
So What's New?

So, new things. Well, it's probably been about a year since my last entry, so there's quite a bit to catch up on. However, for the sake of brevity, I'll keep this short, and theoretically sweet.

In September, I threw almost everything I own away. Not the clothes, movies, music, or books, mind. Just all my furniture and most of my framed posters. And the iron. And my entire kitchen.

You know, all the stuff that turns your pile of crap into a home.


Well, it's simple, really. I left Louisville, Kentucky for the hopefully greener pastures of suburban New Jersey. Ah yes, Nietzsche was right! It is the eternal return of the same.

I moved back to NJ because my career and my life, in general, was stuck in a decaying orbit around a black hole I like to call "you're fucked, son." So I packed everything that would fit into my Bonneville, and headed to the friendly confines. No, not those friendly confines. I mean Mommy and Daddy's house.

Yep. 28 years old, licensed attorney. Living with parents.

This lasted about a month and a half. It was about a month and a half too fucking long.

I got myself a job reviewing documents, which is slightly less entertaining than watching paint dry. On the plus side, I get paid over $50K to click a mouse all day. It wouldn't be so bad, except my right hand is slowly experiencing carpal tunnel disease.

I also landed myself a girlfriend in fairly short order, which lasted 4 months. This was probably 2 months too long, as I never really cared for her. It was, pardon the pun, just something to do. (And BOY, did I! WOOHOO!!)

I've also been working for a pair of attorneys on and off since I got home, in the past few weeks they've finally started to give me some real work to do. Right now, for example, I'm writing a trial brief.

The case, as presented to me, was dogshit. We were going to lose it. So, with the risk minimized, they handed it to me. Guess what kids? I'm going to win this case. A little research on the pertinent issues and BLAM! all of the sudden, this isn't looking so much like dogshit as goose-liver pate.

Of course, once the bosses read this brief, they'll probably thank me and take it over for themselves. That's fine. But realistically, I'd like to stay on this one, for a change. Really see the nuts and bolts of the whole thing. I haven't really had that opportunity in a long time.

On the plus side of life, I've met a girl from NYC. Her name is, as always, not going to be featured, but if you think of a certain bronze-and-leather clad movie heroine, you'd be close to her name. It's not Jane Fonda, but you're on the right track.

I like this girl. A lot. Possibly more than I've liked a girl in quite a long time. I haven't seen her in 2 weeks and I still think about her constantly. Wow. Wow.

The last time we saw each other, before her trip to Europe, I started thinking to myself, "Hey, you DO know you're going to fall in love with this girl, right?"

So I've finally said it, semi-publicly. Cool.

and now...back to work.


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