
Election Day (or, Shuffling the Same Shit Around)

Can you tell I voted for Kerry?

Now, I consider myself a man driven by common sense and pragmatism. I also consider myself a liberal. If you ask anyone who knows me, they might disagree with Statement #1, and they might say "raving liberal is more accurate." In the end, does it really matter?

Probably not

So, I went out and voted today, for Kerry, in Kentucky. Riiiiiight. Just throw that vote away, buddy-boy. Imagine my surprise when Kerry took 44% of the Kentucky vote. Bush won, as expected, but at least there are a good number of people in this bass-ackwards state with Brain.

Then again, these same people passed a CONSTITUTIONAL BAN ON GAY MARRIAGE today, too, so maybe they are more like Pooh than I thought (being persons of little Brain.)

Seriously, people, let's just look at this "preserving the sanctity of marriage" bullshit. The idea is, G-d says marriage is "one man, one woman." Great, what's G-d's opinion on "one man, one woman, one pregnant mistress who just turned 19?" Or "one man, one woman, another man who the wife and kids think is just "Daddy's hunting buddy"?" Or "one man, one woman, until it gets too difficult, and we decide to get divorced?" I could go on forever with this...

The Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 (DOMA) was a stupid, puritan, and reactionary piece of legislative mung when it was passed. Now, we're not only letting states decide if they'll let gays marry, but also letting them decide if they want to follow the United States Constitution.

Ever hear of something called "Full Faith and Credit?"

Basically, each state is bound, under our Constitution, to give as much weight to the laws of its sister states as it does its own.

Apparently, when the Founding Fathers wrote that clause, they must not have meant for gay rights to be included.

It just makes me sick to think that, of the 9 states consider such an amendment this year, 8 voted it in. Overwhelmingly. I guess the liberal 90's really are dead.

So, Bush won Florida now. Great. And he'll likely win Ohio. Kerry needs Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin to win. Looks like 4 more years.

Someone shoot me.



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