
...and then, there's Urgent Care

Today began with a rude awakening. There I am, blissfully asleep, enjoying some fairly interesting random neuron-firings, when my mother walks in and wakes me up. Gee, thanks.

You ever get woken up from a dream? Of course you have. This morning, it was right at the point where all the confusing shit in my head was about to be explained to me, courtesy of one of my friendly neighborhood dream-people. (Sometimes, I call them dreople, but that just confuses the issue...)

I fucking hate it when that happens.

I mean, it really pisses me off when that happens. Here I am, all set to learn why there's a talking monkey wearing a unitard, trying to sell me life insurance, and then POOF! Welcome back to the waking, daylight, no-fun-at-all world.

Then, it's a quick shower and dress, and I'm off to the "assisted living facility" to pick up Grandma. Yet another doctor's appointment. Well, the doc went fine, but he wants me to take her to the Urgent Care Center across the street for tests.

What, really, is the difference between Urgent Care and Emergency Care? Personally, I'm waiting for a drive-through service.

So, I've been sitting here, with my wireless connection, for the past three hours, whilst Grandma is poked, prodded, sampled, juilliened, and frappeed. And, of course, this place smells like death and feces.

I often wonder, do doctors and nurses voluntarily have their olfactory senses cauterized before embarking on their careers?

And now, back to your regularly scheduled day...

Zen Happens


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