
What a Week I'm Having...Part Deux

Okay, this is actually not the current week, but a gripe from a few weeks ago, into last week. Really, the problem is my car. My formerly beautiful 1995 Pontiac Bonneville. Bathsheba, the vehicle in question (so named because once she was beautiful and black), has been giving me such problems, I don't know how I manage to keep her running.

Okay, from a previous post, we know I had to get Sheba fixed in late June. Right, well I drove her to Louisville, and about a week after my LAST post, she over-heated. Again. So, I took her in and found out that the previous repair was incomplete, and possibly the guy engaged in fraud. (The investigation is pending, so I cannot speak more of that matter at this time.) So, the good folks at the Pontiac dealership took Sheba, fixed her, and charged me $1,181.73. Plus nearly $350.00 for the rental car.

Current car repair tally: $2,215.29 (or thereabouts)

Then, THREE DAYS after getting the car back, the "tension rod," which holds the serpentine belt in place, snapped on I-264 during rush hour. Wheee. Cost of repair? $411.85 Then there's the rental car, which was another $89.99

Current car repair tally: $2717.13 (or thereabouts)

THEN, my battery died the day I got it back from Pontiac-people. Not only died my battery die, but when I tried to jump-start it, my cables got fried, and a burned the ever-loving shit out of my hand. Yeah, BIG happy-hat people. Big. That particular repair (just three days after the previous problem, and the evening I got my car back, cost me $90.

Total Cost of Car Repair, July/August 2004: $2807.13 (or thereabouts)

My car's blue-book value is somewhere around $3,500. Did I mention I have no money?

But, now Sheba's running perky, which is good. Especially since any plans I might have had concerning replacing her are totally and completely out the window.

And I still have no job.

But there IS good news:

I finally have food in the house I can eat.